Wednesday 30 October 2013

Back after my broadband failure

Well my broadband has been down for days, but finally back up and running, hopefully it will last for a while!!!

So I had Faye down for a few days and we had a great time starting with a trip to Chessington on Saturday, as it is nearly Halloween they were staying open till 7pm, which made it a really good day, with nearly 10 hours of fun!!! Faye loved the Vampire ride in the dark (as did I) and then we travelled back home to watch X Factor :-( but she fell asleep straight away so I got to turn it over :-)

Sunday we made a day of visiting some of the sights of London so we started with a trip to the London Eye, always popular and we then did the 4D experience that goes with it, amazing views of London. We followed this with the London Aquarium which I always find rather uninteresting, you can only look at so many fish tanks! but as it is all included it the Merlin Annual Pass I don't mind, if I had paid to go in I would be very unhappy, in fact even just queuing the 20 mins to get a ticket would have wound me up!!! still free and no queue so I did not mind.  Next was a trip up to the top of the Monument, 311 steps to the top, I always try to put them off but they love doing it, I really don't it's not the hight that bothers me, but it's a tight spiral staircase all the way up and the steps are not that big, so it's just very unplesant and people going the opposite direction make it even worse! still we got a certificate for doing it. We followed that up with a trip to Westfield and then went to the O2 to watch Cloudy in the sky with Meatballs 2, Faye loved it, it's a good film and works well from the first film as well.

Monday we went to the Guildhall Art Gallery and looked at the Victoriana the Art of Revival Exhibition, a very impressive exhibition and Faye was impressed with the whole thing.  I think the Guildhall Art Gallery is one of those missed bits of London, so few people go there but it is amazing.

Faye then got to stay at my parents for a couple of days while I went back to work, and now she should be home with her brothers and sister.

Well a great fun weekend and one I wont forget!!!!!

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